Mar. 29, 2017
HONESDALE – Rep. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne) today announced $331,443 in grants from the Local Share Account will be awarded to Wayne County for three projects. The funds come from a local share assessment on Mount Airy Casino.
Honesdale Borough will receive $93,222 for the Blake’s Creek Area Storm Water Project, which will remove pipes and regrade the channel between Ridge and Terrace streets as well as construct a rock-lined channel on Corey Street.
Cannan Township will receive $120,000 to remove and replace the Davis Road Bridge. Mount Pleasant Township will receive $118,221 for the purchase of a new ambulance for Pleasant Mount Emergency Services.
“Each of these projects will provide great value for communities in Wayne County,” said Fritz. “I am pleased to see state funds returning to the 111th District for the purpose of improving infrastructure and public safety.”
The Commonwealth Financing Authority met on Wednesday afternoon to approve the grants.
Representative Jonathan Fritz
111th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Morgan Dux
717.260.6695 /